Note: Once you buy the license, please email us your username at mikrotik. However, router will continue to work with the same license tier as before. If deadline-at date is reached without successfully contacting the account server, the router will consider that license has expired (60 days) and will disallow further software updates. Communication attempts will be performed once an hour after the date on next-renewal-at and will not cease until the server responds with an error. In '/system license' menu router will indicate the time next-renewal-at when it will attempt to contact server located on. To get the free trial license, you have to have an account on as all license management is done there. Hyper-V on Windows Server 2012 (Only Generation 1 Hyper-V virtual machine is supported at the moment).CHR has been tested on the following platforms:.It is possible to transfer a perpetual license to another CHR instance. Perpetual is a lifetime license (buy once, use forever). 128 MB disk space for the CHR virtual hard drive 60-day free trial license is available for all paid license levels.

128 MB or more RAM for the CHR instance.You can transfer the license as many times. If you want to transfer the license from one CHR machine to another you must transfer the license on your MikroTik account (use button 'Transfer' in 'All CHR keys') and then run 'system license renew' on your CHR machine. All the rest of the features provided by CHR are available without restrictions. Hello You can use license on one instance in one time. P10 - license level allows CHR to run indefinitely. CHR has full RouterOS features enabled by default but has a different licensing model than other RouterOS versions. It supports the x86 64-bit architecture and can be used on most of the popular hypervisors such as VMWare, Hyper-V, VirtualBox, KVM and others. CHR-U: Cloud Hosted Router U perpetual license (unlimited version)Ĭloud Hosted Router (CHR) is a RouterOS version intended for running as a virtual machine.